Fashion (Men)

Daniel, Shenzhen

by EGS

J'ai rencontré Daniel, pour un premier shooting, à Hong Kong.

Quelques mois plus tard, nous avons remis le couvert à Shenzhen.

Daniel est depuis modèle professionnel.

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Shooting in Paris again

by EGS


I don't make a lot of people's photo shootings in Paris anymore.

But I made a new one this morning, with a very nice guy from Thailand.

He's a musician (professional cellist) and a part time model (he played in a video advertising for Pepsi recently).

But this is not the point of this post...

I wrote one on my Facebook this week, talking about a Paris "photographer" that pretends working as it since 28 years, and only makes, according to me, only "feelingless" pictures. I was a little upset to see people "liking" on Facebook one of this pictures shot in one of Paris tunnels. The picture was simply bad: no feeling, as usually, but such a poor quality! Everybody would have made a better feelingless picture with an iPhone 4! 

Maybe I'm pretentious, maybe I'm jealous, maybe I'm just right: light and emotions are raw materials for a photographer. If you don't know how to deal with them, don't pretend you're a photographer. Just say you like taking pictures. It's not a shame, but being humble is being human and is being honest with others and with yourself.

Anyway, I'm proud to show that making nice pictures is tunnel is a possible ;-)

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Where I come from & Where I go

by EGS

This picture is part of my "chinese desert shootings", made in may 2017 close to Qinhuangdao.

Shooting in this amazing place was something unexpected for me.

A great moment in my photographer's life :-)

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Gio (Beijing)

by EGS

Started to work on Beijing shootings.

This portrait of Gio, chinese yoga teacher, was shot at Intercontinental Sanlitun Hotel, Beijing, in may 2017.

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